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And Place Yourself in the Astral Universe
A free matching service

    Enter Starport a world wide bank of people. Enter as many people as you like, enter your name, birth date, time of birth and place of birth. If you don't know your time of birth, try and find it. The County in which you were born will have records (county bureau of vital statistics). If you can't find it but you think you know the time of day, place the approximate time of day. To be exact makes a big difference in matching people, so try and find the exact time of day.
    Starport runs matches with other entries and will e-mail you a list of people you are compatible with. You and the other people will be notified and if everyone is consensual with contacting one another. If you would like to purchace a birth report on one or more of the matches, or a compatible report. contact us back and Starport will send you the reports.

Enter Starport now.

Enter your Name:



Enter Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) for the report:

Enter time of birth (include AM or PM):


Enter City of Birth:

State of Birth:

Outside the United States:

Province (Outside the US):

Enter Exact Email Address Where can contact you:




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1692People Have Visited this page sense 11/19/1999